Getting started with hillmaker#

In this tutorial we’ll focus on basic use of hillmaker for analyzing arrivals, departures, and occupancy by time of day and day of week for a typical discrete entity flow system. A few examples of such systems include:

  • patients arriving, undergoing some sort of care process and departing some healthcare system (e.g. emergency department, surgical recovery, nursing unit, outpatient clinic, and many more)

  • customers renting, using, and returning bikes in a bike share system,

  • users of licensed software checking out, using, checking back in a software license,

  • products undergoing some sort of manufacturing or assembly process - occupancy is WIP,

  • patrons arriving, dining and leaving a restaurant,

  • travelers renting, residing in, and checking out of a hotel,

  • flights taking off and arriving at their destination,

Basically, any sort of discrete stock and flow system for which you are interested in time of day and day of week specific statistical summaries of occupancy, arrivals and departures, and have raw data on the arrival and departure times, is fair game for hillmaker.


You can use pip to install hillmaker into the Python virtual environment of your choice.

pip install hillmaker

You should also be able to install hillmaker from conda-forge shortly into a virtual environment.

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install hillmaker

If you want to get the latest update which is not yet on PyPI or conda-forge, you can install from the GitHub repo’s develop branch:

pip install git+

Getting this notebook and sample data#

If you want to get a copy of this notebook to try out the examples yourself, the easiest way to get it is to go to the companion hillmaker-examples repo and either clone it or download it as a zip file. You’ll find several notebooks in there including this getting_started.ipynb file. A few sample data files are included in the data folder - including the ssu_2024.csv file used for this demo.

After opening any of the notebooks, make sure you set your Jupyter kernel to whichever conda virtual environment contains the installed version of hillmaker.

Ways of using hillmaker#

There are currently three ways of using hillmaker.

  1. Command line interface (CLI)

  2. Calling a single Python function

  3. An object oriented API in Python

The plan is to add a fourth option:

  1. Through a GUI interface (not implemented yet)

Depending on your level of comfort with Python, you can choose the method that works best for you. This Getting Started tutorial will demo all three ways of using hillmaker and subsequent tutorials will go into more detail. There are numerous input parameters that can be used to customize the behavior of hillmaker and we’ll only touch on a few in this tutorial.

Module imports#

To run hillmaker we only need to import a few modules. Often we will be using pandas as part of our analysis and we’ll import that as well.

from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import hillmaker as hm

A prototypical example - occupancy analysis of a hospital Short Stay Unit#

Patients flow through a short stay unit (SSU) for a variety of procedures, tests or therapies. Let’s assume patients can be classified into one of five categories of patient types: ART (arterialgram), CAT (post cardiac-cath), MYE (myelogram), IVT (IV therapy), and OTH (other). We are interested in occupancy statistics by time of day and day of week to support things like staff scheduling and capacity planning.

From one of our hospital information systems we were able to get raw data about the entry and exit times of each patient and exported the data to a csv file. We call each row of such data a stop (as in, the patient stopped here for a while). Let’s take a peek at the data by first reading the csv file into a pandas DataFrame.

ssu_stopdata = ''
# ssu_stopdata = './data/ssu_2024.csv'
stops_df = pd.read_csv(ssu_stopdata, parse_dates=['InRoomTS','OutRoomTS']) 
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 59877 entries, 0 to 59876
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------     --------------  -----         
 0   PatID      59877 non-null  int64         
 1   InRoomTS   59877 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 2   OutRoomTS  59877 non-null  datetime64[ns]
 3   PatType    59877 non-null  object        
 4   LOS_hours  59877 non-null  float64       
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(1), int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 2.3+ MB
PatID InRoomTS OutRoomTS PatType LOS_hours
0 1 2024-01-01 07:44:00 2024-01-01 09:20:00 IVT 1.600000
1 2 2024-01-01 08:28:00 2024-01-01 11:13:00 IVT 2.750000
2 3 2024-01-01 11:44:00 2024-01-01 12:48:00 MYE 1.066667
3 4 2024-01-01 11:51:00 2024-01-01 21:10:00 CAT 9.316667
4 5 2024-01-01 12:10:00 2024-01-01 12:57:00 IVT 0.783333

Before running hillmaker, we need to know the timeframe for which we have data.

Timestamp('2024-01-01 07:44:00')
Timestamp('2024-09-30 22:45:00')

Looks like we have data from Jan through Sept of 2024. Since patients usually stay for less than 24 hours in an SSU, we’ll do our occupancy analysis starting on January 2, 2024 (since the 1st is a holiday) and ending on September 30, 2024. Later in the tutorial we’ll discuss the important issues of choosing an appropriate analysis timeframe and horizon effects.

As part of an operational analysis we would like to compute a number of relevant statistics, such as:

  • mean and 95th percentile of overall SSU occupancy by hour of day and day of week,

  • similar hourly statistics for patient arrivals and departures,

  • all of the above but by patient type as well.

In addition to tabular summaries, let’s make some plots showing the mean and 95th percentile of occupancy by time of day and day of week.

Running hillmaker via the command line interface (CLI)#

To run hillmaker from the command line, make sure that you are using whatever virtual environment within which hillmaker is installed. Let’s see the help for hillmaker’s CLI:

> hillmaker -h
usage: hillmaker [--scenario_name SCENARIO_NAME] [--data DATA]
                 [--in_field IN_FIELD] [--out_field OUT_FIELD]
                 [--start_analysis_dt START_ANALYSIS_DT]
                 [--end_analysis_dt END_ANALYSIS_DT] [--config CONFIG]
                 [--cat_field CAT_FIELD] [--bin_size_minutes BIN_SIZE_MINUTES]
                 [--cats_to_exclude [CATS_TO_EXCLUDE ...]]
                 [--occ_weight_field OCC_WEIGHT_FIELD]
                 [--percentiles [PERCENTILES ...]] [--los_units LOS_UNITS]
                 [--csv_export_path CSV_EXPORT_PATH] [--no_dow_plots]
                 [--no_week_plots] [--plot_export_path PLOT_EXPORT_PATH]
                 [--plot_style PLOT_STYLE] [--figsize FIGSIZE FIGSIZE]
                 [--bar_color_mean BAR_COLOR_MEAN] [--alpha ALPHA]
                 [--plot_percentiles PLOT_PERCENTILES [PLOT_PERCENTILES ...]]
                 [--pctile_color PCTILE_COLOR [PCTILE_COLOR ...]]
                 [--pctile_linestyle PCTILE_LINESTYLE [PCTILE_LINESTYLE ...]]
                 [--pctile_linewidth [PCTILE_LINEWIDTH ...]] [--cap CAP]
                 [--cap_color CAP_COLOR] [--xlabel XLABEL] [--ylabel YLABEL]
                 [--main_title MAIN_TITLE] [--subtitle SUBTITLE]
                 [--first_dow FIRST_DOW] [--edge_bins EDGE_BINS]
                 [--highres_bin_size_minutes HIGHRES_BIN_SIZE_MINUTES]
                 [--keep_highres_bydatetime] [--verbosity VERBOSITY] [-h]

Occupancy analysis by time of day and day of week

Required arguments (either on command line or via config file):
  --scenario_name SCENARIO_NAME
                        Used in output filenames
  --data DATA           Path to csv file containing the stop data to be
  --in_field IN_FIELD   Column name corresponding to the arrival times
  --out_field OUT_FIELD
                        Column name corresponding to the departure times
  --start_analysis_dt START_ANALYSIS_DT
                        Starting datetime for the analysis (use yyyy-mm-dd
  --end_analysis_dt END_ANALYSIS_DT
                        Ending datetime for the analysis (use yyyy-mm-dd

Optional arguments:
  --config CONFIG       Configuration file (TOML format) containing input
                        parameter arguments and values. Input parameters set
                        via a config file will override parameters values
                        passed via the command line.
  --cat_field CAT_FIELD
                        Column name corresponding to the categories. If None,
                        then only overall occupancy is analyzed.
  --bin_size_minutes BIN_SIZE_MINUTES
                        Number of minutes in each time bin of the day
                        (default=60) for aggregate statistics and plots.
  --cats_to_exclude [CATS_TO_EXCLUDE ...]
                        Category values to exclude from the analysis.
  --occ_weight_field OCC_WEIGHT_FIELD
                        Column name corresponding to occupancy weights. If
                        None, then weight of 1.0 is used. Default is None.
  --percentiles [PERCENTILES ...]
                        Which percentiles to compute
  --los_units LOS_UNITS
                        The time units for length of stay analysis. See https:
                        a.html for allowable values (smallest value allowed is
                        'seconds', largest is 'days'. The default is 'hours'.
  --csv_export_path CSV_EXPORT_PATH
                        Destination path for exported csv files, default is
                        current directory.
  --no_dow_plots        If set, no day of week plots are created.
  --no_week_plots       If set, no weekly plots are created.
  --plot_export_path PLOT_EXPORT_PATH
                        Destination path for exported plots, default is
                        current directory.
  --plot_style PLOT_STYLE
                        Matplotlib style name.
                        Figure size
  --bar_color_mean BAR_COLOR_MEAN
                        Matplotlib color name for the bars representing mean
  --alpha ALPHA         Transparency for bars, default=0.5.
  --plot_percentiles PLOT_PERCENTILES [PLOT_PERCENTILES ...]
                        Which percentiles to plot
  --pctile_color PCTILE_COLOR [PCTILE_COLOR ...]
                        Line color for each percentile series plotted. Order
                        should match order of percentiles list.
  --pctile_linestyle PCTILE_LINESTYLE [PCTILE_LINESTYLE ...]
                        Line style for each percentile series plotted.
  --pctile_linewidth [PCTILE_LINEWIDTH ...]
                        Line width for each percentile series plotted.
  --cap CAP             Capacity level line to include in occupancy plots
  --cap_color CAP_COLOR
                        Matplotlib color code.
  --xlabel XLABEL       x-axis label for plots.
  --ylabel YLABEL       y-axis label for plots.
  --main_title MAIN_TITLE
                        Main title for plot. Default = '{Occupancy, Arrivals,
                        Departures} by time of day and day of week'
  --subtitle SUBTITLE   Subtitle for plot. Default = 'Scenario:
  --first_dow FIRST_DOW
                        Controls which day of week appears first in plot. One
                        of 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat, 'sun'
  -h, --help

Advanced optional arguments:
  --edge_bins EDGE_BINS
                        Occupancy contribution method for arrival and
                        departure bins. 1=fractional, 2=entire bin
  --highres_bin_size_minutes HIGHRES_BIN_SIZE_MINUTES
                        Number of minutes in each time bin of the day used for
                        initial computation of the number of arrivals,
                        departures, and the occupancy level. This value should
                        be <= `bin_size_minutes`. The shorter the duration of
                        stays, the smaller the resolution should be if using
                        edge_bins=2. See docs for more details.
                        Save the high resolution bydatetime dataframe in hills
  --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Used to set level in loggers. 0=logging.WARNING,
                        1=logging.INFO (default), 2=logging.DEBUG

There are several required arguments:

  • SCENARIO_NAME - a scenario name,

  • DATA - the path to the csv file containing the stop data,

  • IN_FIELD, OUT_FIELD - the field names containing the arrival times and the departure times,

  • START_ANALYSIS_DT, END_ANALYSIS_DT - starting and ending dates for the analysis.

There are also numerous optional arguments controlling how hillmaker works and which outputs are created.

Let’s run hillmaker by specifying the required arguments as well as an output path for plots and csv files. The stop data file, ssu_2024.csv is in the data folder. We’ll output plots and csv summary files to the output folder. Typically, we would also specify a category field - in this case it would be PatType. We’ll use 60 minutes for the time bin size.

By default, hillmaker prints out several informational messages. You can suppress these with --verbosity 0. You can get even more detailed status messages (useful for debugging) by using --verbosity 2.

> hillmaker --scenario cli_demo_ssu_60 --data ./data/ssu_2024.csv \
--in_field InRoomTS --out_field OutRoomTS --cat_field PatType --bin_size_minutes 60 \
--start_analysis_dt 2024-01-02 --end_analysis_dt 2024-09-30 --csv_export_path output --plot_export_path output --ylabel Patients 
2024-01-16 09:47:56,728 - hillmaker.hills - INFO - Starting scenario cli_demo_ssu_60
2024-01-16 09:48:05,516 - hillmaker.summarize - INFO - Created nonstationary summaries - ['PatType']
2024-01-16 09:48:06,635 - hillmaker.summarize - INFO - Created nonstationary summaries - []
2024-01-16 09:48:06,668 - hillmaker.summarize - INFO - Created stationary summaries - ['PatType']
2024-01-16 09:48:06,679 - hillmaker.summarize - INFO - Created stationary summaries - []
2024-01-16 09:48:08,173 - hillmaker.hills - INFO - bydatetime and summaries by datetime created (seconds): 11.3838
2024-01-16 09:48:08,419 - hillmaker.hills - INFO - By datetime exported to csv in output (seconds): 0.2408
2024-01-16 09:48:08,492 - hillmaker.hills - INFO - Summaries exported to csv in output (seconds): 0.0733
2024-01-16 09:48:10,683 - hillmaker.plotting - INFO - Full week plots created (seconds): 2.1840
2024-01-16 09:48:19,486 - hillmaker.plotting - INFO - Individual day of week plots created (seconds): 8.8003
2024-01-16 09:48:19,486 - hillmaker.hills - INFO - Total time (seconds): 22.6828

CSV file outputs#

When you use the CLI, CSV versions of the output tables are exported to CSV_EXPORT_PATH.

There are four groups of files, each beginning with the scenario name 'cli_demo_ssu_60'.

  • occupancy, arrivals, departures - summary statistics for occupancy, arrivals and departures

  • bydatetime - number of arrivals, departures and occupancy level by datetime bin over the analysis range (e.g. individual hours on each date)

Usually it’s the occupancy summaries that we are most interested in. From each occupancy related filename, we can infer the grouping levels used for the summary statistics.

<scenario name>_occupancy_dow_binofday.csv#

This is probably the most used summary as it gives us overall occupancy statistics by time bin of day (in this case, hourly) and day of week. We can read it into a pandas DataFrame and take a look. Since we used hourly time bins, there will be 168 rows in the summary. Numerous summary statistics are computed for each hour of the week.

occ_dow_binofday_df = pd.read_csv('output/cli_demo_ssu_60_occupancy_dow_binofday.csv')
day_of_week dow_name bin_of_day bin_of_day_str count mean min max stdev sem var cv skew kurt p25 p50 p75 p95 p99
0 0 Mon 0 00:00 39.0 1.561966 0.000000 4.666667 1.337969 0.214246 1.790160 0.856593 0.863336 -0.009379 0.533333 1.000000 2.000000 4.353333 4.616000
1 0 Mon 1 01:00 39.0 1.530342 0.000000 5.000000 1.314454 0.210481 1.727791 0.858929 1.123432 0.861793 0.783333 1.000000 2.000000 4.450000 4.905000
2 0 Mon 2 02:00 39.0 1.364103 0.000000 4.950000 1.194374 0.191253 1.426528 0.875575 1.089267 1.091913 0.950000 1.000000 2.000000 3.578333 4.582667
3 0 Mon 3 03:00 39.0 1.232479 0.000000 4.400000 1.058411 0.169481 1.120233 0.858766 0.875510 0.792365 0.350000 1.000000 1.991667 3.040000 4.020000
4 0 Mon 4 04:00 39.0 1.076068 0.000000 3.900000 0.971568 0.155575 0.943944 0.902887 0.893486 0.663040 0.000000 1.000000 1.600000 2.940000 3.558000
5 0 Mon 5 05:00 39.0 2.229915 0.083333 4.700000 1.138399 0.182290 1.295953 0.510513 0.442054 -0.335741 1.508333 2.000000 2.691667 4.178333 4.598667
6 0 Mon 6 06:00 39.0 15.443162 0.333333 21.483333 3.931664 0.629570 15.457978 0.254589 -2.423603 7.778248 14.616667 16.083333 17.241667 19.630000 21.166667
7 0 Mon 7 07:00 39.0 29.869658 1.533333 38.966667 7.498266 1.200683 56.223989 0.251033 -2.669468 8.294117 28.625000 31.433333 33.708333 36.283333 38.346000
8 0 Mon 8 08:00 39.0 39.738889 1.683333 56.650000 10.724470 1.717290 115.014259 0.269873 -2.304590 6.600737 36.925000 42.650000 45.366667 49.335000 54.218000
9 0 Mon 9 09:00 39.0 58.750000 1.483333 79.116667 15.509799 2.483556 240.553874 0.263997 -2.538838 7.735264 57.241667 61.283333 66.858333 74.036667 77.311667
10 0 Mon 10 10:00 39.0 76.657265 2.933333 96.083333 19.943244 3.193475 397.732994 0.260161 -2.639291 8.119880 72.983333 80.550000 87.066667 95.083333 95.874333
11 0 Mon 11 11:00 39.0 87.416239 1.733333 110.083333 22.724800 3.638880 516.416557 0.259961 -2.657434 8.241843 81.450000 92.700000 101.083333 108.351667 109.659000
12 0 Mon 12 12:00 39.0 90.031197 1.233333 112.683333 23.185833 3.712705 537.582854 0.257531 -2.770866 8.875578 85.091667 95.283333 103.783333 109.875000 112.613667
13 0 Mon 13 13:00 39.0 89.194872 1.716667 114.500000 23.579497 3.775741 555.992663 0.264359 -2.536764 7.819967 81.883333 94.900000 102.033333 111.513333 114.265667
14 0 Mon 14 14:00 39.0 83.608120 1.000000 109.900000 22.223400 3.558592 493.879501 0.265804 -2.464217 7.522566 78.233333 85.833333 97.308333 105.406667 108.329333
15 0 Mon 15 15:00 39.0 75.979060 0.700000 100.933333 20.640815 3.305176 426.043227 0.271665 -2.237832 6.670489 69.666667 77.233333 89.283333 98.213333 100.401333
16 0 Mon 16 16:00 39.0 65.939744 0.000000 89.616667 18.346099 2.937727 336.579336 0.278225 -2.003630 5.710318 60.600000 67.816667 76.200000 88.478333 89.395000
17 0 Mon 17 17:00 39.0 54.656838 0.000000 74.916667 14.673648 2.349664 215.315932 0.268469 -2.208259 6.392677 52.000000 57.250000 63.083333 70.353333 74.448000
18 0 Mon 18 18:00 39.0 43.552137 0.000000 59.950000 11.772127 1.885049 138.582970 0.270300 -2.067508 5.864829 40.391667 46.016667 49.500000 57.355000 59.608000
19 0 Mon 19 19:00 39.0 34.383761 0.000000 54.766667 10.059813 1.610859 101.199832 0.292575 -1.417011 3.653496 29.341667 36.566667 40.950000 45.165000 51.283333
20 0 Mon 20 20:00 39.0 26.618803 0.000000 43.683333 8.012713 1.283061 64.203570 0.301017 -1.041871 2.649560 22.608333 28.000000 31.841667 35.450000 41.010667
21 0 Mon 21 21:00 39.0 20.254274 0.233333 32.533333 6.076123 0.972958 36.919265 0.299992 -0.874277 2.225625 17.108333 20.183333 24.166667 28.080000 31.399667
22 0 Mon 22 22:00 39.0 15.472650 1.000000 24.483333 4.632457 0.741787 21.459656 0.299396 -0.580108 1.556255 12.958333 15.766667 18.283333 23.061667 24.439000
23 0 Mon 23 23:00 39.0 11.723932 0.950000 19.833333 4.014841 0.642889 16.118944 0.342448 -0.146289 0.260521 9.275000 11.483333 14.408333 18.121667 19.314000
24 1 Tue 0 00:00 39.0 8.926496 1.000000 15.633333 3.631447 0.581497 13.187408 0.406817 -0.088015 -0.365883 6.458333 8.883333 11.216667 15.211667 15.570000
25 1 Tue 1 01:00 39.0 6.629915 0.883333 13.816667 3.112203 0.498351 9.685807 0.469418 0.441786 -0.255520 4.025000 6.983333 8.550000 11.815000 13.677333
26 1 Tue 2 02:00 39.0 4.836325 0.000000 12.133333 2.821619 0.451821 7.961533 0.583422 0.722422 0.367211 3.000000 4.100000 6.425000 10.100000 11.702667
27 1 Tue 3 03:00 39.0 3.550000 0.000000 9.016667 2.295088 0.367508 5.267427 0.646504 0.842881 0.299023 2.000000 3.116667 4.766667 8.466667 8.978667
28 1 Tue 4 04:00 39.0 2.684188 0.000000 7.000000 1.849585 0.296171 3.420964 0.689067 0.446491 -0.723028 1.066667 2.533333 4.050000 5.823333 6.575667
29 1 Tue 5 05:00 39.0 2.081624 0.000000 7.316667 1.668520 0.267177 2.783959 0.801547 0.893497 1.093824 0.766667 2.000000 2.908333 4.790000 6.436333

From the count field we can see that there were 39 Mondays in the analysis date range. It is this DataFrame that used to create the weekly and day of week plots.

Plots are created in PNG format and exported to PLOT_EXPORT_PATH.

[ for fname in Path('output/').glob('cli_demo_ssu_60*occupancy*.png')]
from IPython.display import Image

There are also day of week specific plots.


<scenario name>_PatType_dow_binofday.csv#

This is the most detailed summary as it is grouped by category (patient type in this example), day of week and hour of day. This DataFrame is useful for seeing how individual patient types contribute to overall occupancy in the SSU.

occ_PatType_dow_binofday_df = pd.read_csv('output/cli_demo_ssu_60_occupancy_PatType_dow_binofday.csv')
PatType day_of_week dow_name bin_of_day bin_of_day_str count mean min max stdev sem var cv skew kurt p25 p50 p75 p95 p99
50 ART 2 Wed 2 02:00 39.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
51 ART 2 Wed 3 03:00 39.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
52 ART 2 Wed 4 04:00 39.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
53 ART 2 Wed 5 05:00 39.0 0.358120 0.000000 1.333333 0.377373 0.060428 0.142410 1.053762 1.100851 0.604813 0.008333 0.250000 0.575000 1.180000 1.320667
54 ART 2 Wed 6 06:00 39.0 3.672222 1.683333 5.716667 1.031559 0.165182 1.064113 0.280909 0.059364 -0.694543 3.008333 3.516667 4.408333 5.183333 5.628000
55 ART 2 Wed 7 07:00 39.0 7.820940 4.966667 10.633333 1.385444 0.221849 1.919455 0.177145 0.012103 -0.394016 6.900000 7.600000 8.875000 9.788333 10.614333
56 ART 2 Wed 8 08:00 39.0 10.516239 6.466667 15.383333 2.184222 0.349755 4.770826 0.207700 0.452734 -0.204397 9.291667 10.083333 11.633333 14.235000 15.237667
57 ART 2 Wed 9 09:00 39.0 12.370940 6.833333 20.316667 2.871884 0.459869 8.247715 0.232148 0.561270 0.441556 10.591667 12.000000 14.108333 17.330000 19.341333
58 ART 2 Wed 10 10:00 39.0 13.094017 8.250000 22.400000 2.954995 0.473178 8.731995 0.225675 0.862908 1.336721 11.350000 12.716667 15.008333 17.261667 21.114333
59 ART 2 Wed 11 11:00 39.0 13.336752 7.683333 21.333333 2.775359 0.444413 7.702620 0.208099 0.999808 1.666926 11.916667 12.766667 14.266667 19.376667 20.909000
60 ART 2 Wed 12 12:00 39.0 13.040598 8.316667 19.433333 2.560224 0.409964 6.554748 0.196327 0.492908 0.419179 11.383333 12.733333 14.683333 17.041667 19.408000
61 ART 2 Wed 13 13:00 39.0 11.941026 8.716667 17.983333 2.236499 0.358126 5.001928 0.187295 0.692769 0.055469 10.158333 11.633333 13.158333 15.430000 17.400667
62 ART 2 Wed 14 14:00 39.0 9.993162 4.300000 16.133333 2.498238 0.400038 6.241195 0.249995 -0.040163 0.074037 8.591667 9.883333 11.683333 13.605000 15.246667
63 ART 2 Wed 15 15:00 39.0 7.287607 2.000000 13.616667 2.672925 0.428011 7.144528 0.366777 0.182371 0.306827 5.808333 7.000000 9.008333 12.061667 13.464667
64 ART 2 Wed 16 16:00 39.0 5.062821 1.000000 10.316667 2.303012 0.368777 5.303866 0.454887 0.262786 -0.271186 3.258333 5.000000 6.708333 8.330000 10.291333
65 ART 2 Wed 17 17:00 39.0 3.279915 0.350000 7.950000 1.934457 0.309761 3.742123 0.589789 0.603736 -0.200242 1.975000 3.000000 4.616667 6.926667 7.766333
66 ART 2 Wed 18 18:00 39.0 1.961538 0.000000 5.833333 1.525045 0.244203 2.325762 0.777474 0.713760 -0.158408 0.875000 1.833333 2.975000 4.651667 5.561000
67 ART 2 Wed 19 19:00 39.0 1.068803 0.000000 4.000000 1.084218 0.173614 1.175529 1.014422 0.929103 0.299327 0.000000 1.000000 1.641667 3.270000 3.734000
68 ART 2 Wed 20 20:00 39.0 0.683333 0.000000 3.716667 0.950854 0.152258 0.904123 1.391493 1.525316 1.818134 0.000000 0.033333 1.000000 2.433333 3.400000
69 ART 2 Wed 21 21:00 39.0 0.367949 0.000000 2.216667 0.681892 0.109190 0.464976 1.853225 1.752237 1.752261 0.000000 0.000000 0.291667 2.000000 2.134333
70 ART 2 Wed 22 22:00 39.0 0.234188 0.000000 2.000000 0.550584 0.088164 0.303143 2.351033 2.395984 4.757798 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.625000 2.000000
71 ART 2 Wed 23 23:00 39.0 0.188889 0.000000 2.000000 0.505819 0.080996 0.255853 2.677865 2.836720 7.494658 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.100000 2.000000
72 ART 3 Thu 0 00:00 39.0 0.095299 0.000000 2.000000 0.360655 0.057751 0.130072 3.784456 4.546027 21.998469 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.550000 1.620000
73 ART 3 Thu 1 01:00 39.0 0.048718 0.000000 1.500000 0.246952 0.039544 0.060985 5.069009 5.701831 33.637380 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.040000 1.082000
74 ART 3 Thu 2 02:00 39.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

The other two occupancy related csv files are summaries aggregated over time. One, cli_demo_ssu_60_occupancy_PatType.csv, is grouped by the category field and the other, cli_demo_ssu_60_occupancy.csv, is aggregated both over time and category.

occ_PatType_df = pd.read_csv('output/cli_demo_ssu_60_occupancy_PatType.csv')
PatType count mean min max stdev sem var cv skew kurt p25 p50 p75 p95 p99
0 ART 6552.0 3.498013 0.0 22.400000 5.156624 0.063706 26.590766 1.474158 1.250915 0.230793 0.000000 0.000000 6.950000 14.250000 17.565667
1 CAT 6552.0 8.048838 0.0 34.383333 7.812497 0.096517 61.035116 0.970637 0.912114 -0.259791 1.616667 4.983333 13.716667 23.290833 28.274167
2 IVT 6552.0 10.076318 0.0 54.733333 13.459828 0.166285 181.166964 1.335788 1.205648 0.088333 0.033333 2.283333 18.408333 38.200000 45.500000
3 MYE 6552.0 1.971853 0.0 13.483333 2.902841 0.035862 8.426486 1.472138 1.364864 0.662152 0.000000 0.000000 3.533333 8.216667 10.308167
4 OTH 6552.0 4.567918 0.0 27.000000 5.687160 0.070260 32.343793 1.245022 1.072276 0.039763 0.000000 1.550000 8.533333 15.866667 19.891500
occ_df = pd.read_csv('output/cli_demo_ssu_60_occupancy.csv')
index count mean min max stdev sem var cv skew kurt p25 p50 p75 p95 p99
0 1 6552.0 28.16294 0.0 121.533333 31.066525 0.383801 965.128949 1.103099 0.976111 -0.409349 3.316667 12.525 50.266667 89.83 105.0575

The bydatetime files#

The remaining CSV files provided detailed occupancy, arrival and departures values for every time bin over the entire analysis range. For example, here’s what cli_demo_ssu_60_bydatetime_datetime.csv looks like.

bydatetime_df = pd.read_csv('output/cli_demo_ssu_60_bydatetime_datetime.csv')
datetime arrivals departures occupancy dow_name bin_of_day_str day_of_week bin_of_day bin_of_week
0 2024-01-02 00:00:00 0.0 0.0 1.000000 Tue 00:00 1 0 24
1 2024-01-02 01:00:00 0.0 1.0 0.883333 Tue 01:00 1 1 25
2 2024-01-02 02:00:00 0.0 0.0 0.000000 Tue 02:00 1 2 26
3 2024-01-02 03:00:00 0.0 0.0 0.000000 Tue 03:00 1 3 27
4 2024-01-02 04:00:00 0.0 0.0 0.000000 Tue 04:00 1 4 28
5 2024-01-02 05:00:00 0.0 0.0 0.000000 Tue 05:00 1 5 29
6 2024-01-02 06:00:00 6.0 0.0 1.983333 Tue 06:00 1 6 30
7 2024-01-02 07:00:00 16.0 1.0 12.650000 Tue 07:00 1 7 31
8 2024-01-02 08:00:00 11.0 5.0 24.283333 Tue 08:00 1 8 32
9 2024-01-02 09:00:00 25.0 3.0 35.350000 Tue 09:00 1 9 33
10 2024-01-02 10:00:00 20.0 8.0 54.783333 Tue 10:00 1 10 34
11 2024-01-02 11:00:00 25.0 22.0 65.216667 Tue 11:00 1 11 35
12 2024-01-02 12:00:00 17.0 13.0 66.966667 Tue 12:00 1 12 36
13 2024-01-02 13:00:00 20.0 20.0 69.016667 Tue 13:00 1 13 37
14 2024-01-02 14:00:00 20.0 24.0 66.633333 Tue 14:00 1 14 38

Notice that the occupancy field contains non-integer values. This is by design. For now, it is enough to say that occupancy in each time bin is proportional to the time a patient spent in the system during that time bin. For example, if a patient arrives at 7:15a and departs at 9:30a, then their contribution to occupancy in the bydatetime dataframe is:

time bin








For all the details on how hillmaker computes occupancy and options for controlling those computations, see topic guide on occupancy computation.

Using the make_hills function#

Before the creation of the object-oriented API, hillmaker could be used by calling a single, module level, function called make_hills. This type of legacy use is still possible. The make_hills function returns a dictionary containing DataFrames and plots along with a few other items. We’ll use the same example but will use two-hour time bins.

Like the CLI, the legacy make_hills function can create and explot all plots as well the dataframes as CSV files. This behavior can be more finely controlled through input arguments. See Using the make_hills() function for all the details.

Notice that since we already read the CSV data into a pandas DataFrame named stops_df, we can use that for the data= argument.

# Required inputs
scenario_name = 'func_demo_ssu_120'
in_field_name = 'InRoomTS'
out_field_name = 'OutRoomTS'
start_date = '2024-01-02'
end_date = '2024-09-30'

# Optional inputs
cat_field_name = 'PatType'
verbosity = 1  # INFO level logging
csv_export_path = './output'
plot_export_path = './output'
bin_size_minutes = 120

# Use legacy function interface
hills = hm.make_hills(scenario_name=scenario_name, data=stops_df,
              in_field=in_field_name, out_field=out_field_name,
              start_analysis_dt=start_date, end_analysis_dt=end_date,
              csv_export_path=csv_export_path, plot_export_path=plot_export_path, verbosity=verbosity)

# Get and display occupancy plot
occ_plot = hm.get_plot(hills, 'occupancy')
2024-01-16 09:48:20,382 - hillmaker.hills - INFO - Starting scenario func_demo_ssu_120
2024-01-16 09:48:25,719 - hillmaker.summarize - INFO - Created nonstationary summaries - ['PatType']
2024-01-16 09:48:26,323 - hillmaker.summarize - INFO - Created nonstationary summaries - []
2024-01-16 09:48:26,354 - hillmaker.summarize - INFO - Created stationary summaries - ['PatType']
2024-01-16 09:48:26,376 - hillmaker.summarize - INFO - Created stationary summaries - []
2024-01-16 09:48:27,709 - hillmaker.hills - INFO - bydatetime and summaries by datetime created (seconds): 7.3069
2024-01-16 09:48:27,831 - hillmaker.hills - INFO - By datetime exported to csv in ./output (seconds): 0.1213
2024-01-16 09:48:27,872 - hillmaker.hills - INFO - Summaries exported to csv in ./output (seconds): 0.0405
2024-01-16 09:48:28,305 - hillmaker.plotting - INFO - Full week plots created (seconds): 0.4336
2024-01-16 09:48:29,697 - hillmaker.plotting - INFO - Individual day of week plots created (seconds): 1.3936
2024-01-16 09:48:29,698 - hillmaker.hills - INFO - Total time (seconds): 9.3003

This histogram looks “blockier” due to the two-hour bin sizes.

Using the object oriented hillmaker API#

For more control over hillmaker you can use the object oriented API. In this tutorial we’ll just do a brief introduction. You can get more details in Using object oriented API.

The main steps in using the API are:

  • create a Scenario object initialized with your hillmaker inputs,

  • call the make_hills method to run hillmaker and store the outputs in the Scenario object,

  • use methods to retrieve Dataframe objects, plots and other outputs

Here’s a brief example. We’ll use the same inputs as in the first example, except for setting bin_size_minutes=30. By default, plots aren’t automatically created or exported. We will use the export_all_week_plots argument to create and export just the weekly plots. There are a number of other input arguments that can be used for more detailed control of the hillmaker analysis process, but we’ll hold off on that for now.

oo_demo_ssu_30 = hm.Scenario(scenario_name='oo_demo_ssu_30',

# Show datatype

You can see the values for all of the input parameters by printing the scenario object.

Required inputs
scenario_name = oo_demo_ssu_30
data =
       PatID            InRoomTS           OutRoomTS PatType  LOS_hours
0          1 2024-01-01 07:44:00 2024-01-01 09:20:00     IVT   1.600000
1          2 2024-01-01 08:28:00 2024-01-01 11:13:00     IVT   2.750000
2          3 2024-01-01 11:44:00 2024-01-01 12:48:00     MYE   1.066667
3          4 2024-01-01 11:51:00 2024-01-01 21:10:00     CAT   9.316667
4          5 2024-01-01 12:10:00 2024-01-01 12:57:00     IVT   0.783333
...      ...                 ...                 ...     ...        ...
59872  59873 2024-09-30 19:31:00 2024-09-30 20:34:00     IVT   1.050000
59873  59874 2024-09-30 20:23:00 2024-09-30 22:22:00     IVT   1.983333
59874  59875 2024-09-30 21:00:00 2024-09-30 23:22:00     CAT   2.366667
59875  59876 2024-09-30 21:57:00 2024-10-01 01:58:00     IVT   4.016667
59876  59877 2024-09-30 22:45:00 2024-10-01 03:18:00     CAT   4.550000

[59877 rows x 5 columns]
in_field = InRoomTS
out_field = OutRoomTS
start_analysis_dt = 2024-01-02T00:00:00.000000000
end_analysis_dt = 2024-09-30T23:59:59.000000000

Frequently used optional inputs
cat_field = PatType
bin_size_minutes = 30

More optional inputs
cats_to_exclude = None
occ_weight_field = None
percentiles = (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.99)
los_units = hours

Dataframe export options
export_bydatetime_csv = False
export_summaries_csv = False
csv_export_path = .

Macro-level plot options
make_all_dow_plots = False
make_all_week_plots = True
export_all_dow_plots = False
export_all_week_plots = True
plot_export_path = ./output

Micro-level plot options
plot_style = ggplot
figsize = (15, 10)
bar_color_mean = steelblue
plot_percentiles = (0.95, 0.75)
pctile_color = ('black', 'grey')
pctile_linestyle = ('-', '--')
pctile_linewidth = (0.75, 0.75)
cap = None
cap_color = r
xlabel = Hour
ylabel = Volume
main_title = 
main_title_properties = {'loc': 'left', 'fontsize': 16}
subtitle = 
subtitle_properties = {'loc': 'left', 'style': 'italic'}
legend_properties = {'loc': 'best', 'frameon': True, 'facecolor': 'w'}
first_dow = mon

Advanced options
edge_bins = 1
highres_bin_size_minutes = 30
keep_highres_bydatetime = False
nonstationary_stats = True
stationary_stats = True
verbosity = 0

Let’s make some hills. By default, the verbosity parameter is set to 0 - we won’t get any messages unless they are warnings or errors.


All of the outputs from running make_hills get stored in an attribute dictionary called hills.

dict_keys(['bydatetime', 'summaries', 'los_summary', 'settings', 'plots', 'runtime'])

There are methods for retrieving specific items from this dictionary. For example, there is get_plot.

Help on method get_plot in module hillmaker.scenario:

get_plot(flow_metric: str = 'occupancy', day_of_week: str = 'week') method of hillmaker.scenario.Scenario instance
    Get plot object for specified flow metric and whether full week or specified day of week.
    flow_metric : str
        Either of 'arrivals', 'departures', 'occupancy' ('a', 'd', and 'o' are sufficient).
    day_of_week : str
        Either of 'week', 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'. Default='week'
    plot object from matplotlib

Similarly, we can use get_bydatetime_df and get_summary to get at specific results DataFrame objects.

Help on method get_bydatetime_df in module hillmaker.scenario:

get_bydatetime_df(by_category: bool = True) method of hillmaker.scenario.Scenario instance
    Get bydatetime dataframe
    by_category : bool
        Default=True corresponds to category specific statistics. A value of False gives overall statistics.
arrivals departures occupancy day_of_week dow_name bin_of_day_str bin_of_day bin_of_week
2024-01-02 00:00:00 0.0 0.0 1.000000 1 Tue 00:00 0 48
2024-01-02 00:30:00 0.0 0.0 1.000000 1 Tue 00:30 1 49
2024-01-02 01:00:00 0.0 0.0 1.000000 1 Tue 01:00 2 50
2024-01-02 01:30:00 0.0 1.0 0.766667 1 Tue 01:30 3 51
2024-01-02 02:00:00 0.0 0.0 0.000000 1 Tue 02:00 4 52
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2024-09-30 21:30:00 1.0 7.0 19.700000 0 Mon 21:30 43 43
2024-09-30 22:00:00 0.0 3.0 15.366667 0 Mon 22:00 44 44
2024-09-30 22:30:00 1.0 4.0 11.433333 0 Mon 22:30 45 45
2024-09-30 23:00:00 0.0 2.0 10.333333 0 Mon 23:00 46 46
2024-09-30 23:30:00 0.0 4.0 6.766667 0 Mon 23:30 47 47

13104 rows × 8 columns

You may have noticed that there were a few other keys in the hills dictionary. For example, we can get a simple length of stay summary. The summary is comprised of two histogram plots and two tabular summaries - one each that are by category and one that is aggregated over all records in the stop data.

{'los_stats': < at 0x7f758d29d150>,
 'los_histo': <Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>,
 'los_stats_bycat': < at 0x7f7587afc1f0>,
 'los_histo_bycat': <Figure size 900x600 with 5 Axes>}
  count mean min max stdev cv skew p50 p75 p95 p99
ART 5761 4.0 0.3 15.1 2.0 0.5 1.0 3.7 5.1 7.7 9.9
CAT 10691 4.9 0.0 30.1 3.5 0.7 1.3 4.1 6.7 11.8 16.2
IVT 33174 2.0 0.1 8.8 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.8 2.5 3.9 5.0
MYE 6477 2.0 0.1 8.4 1.1 0.6 1.0 1.8 2.6 4.2 5.4
OTH 3767 7.9 1.2 24.7 3.2 0.4 0.8 7.5 9.8 14.1 17.2
  count mean min max stdev cv skew p50 p75 p95 p99
all 59870 3.1 0.0 30.1 2.6 0.9 2.3 2.2 3.7 8.7 13.2

See Using object oriented API for all the details on using the API.